Galleries: Portraiture | Music | Motion | Illustration | Storyboards | Large Scale | Social | Reportage
If you are looking to capture your wedding and entertain your guests in a different and compelling way, Gonzo Viz can live live paint the event as it happens for an amazing keepsake of the day. We can paint large or small scale, digital or analog, dependig on teh vibe and outcome you are looking for. We can also help create collateral for the occasion: digital and printed illustration/animation for websites, invites, emails, Ketubahs, decorations and centerpieces for the event and more. If you are looking for something different and special to add to your wedding experience and you dig our style, drop us a line and we’ll talk!
Madison and Liam 3.31.23 at Rambling Rose Ranch
Rachel and Taylor 10.19.19 at The Palm Door on Sabine
Brittany and Jason 4.26.19
Shoshana and Alex 10.26.19, Portugal (collateral)