This page is a combination of my Gonzo Viz directed and executed frame x frame, puppet and rotoscope animation projects as well as other select projects that I have directed and animated over the years.

Gonzo Viz Animation Reel

El Pollo Loco

Vintage footage shot from Apollo 10 1/2, with Minnow Mountain

For HAAM Capital Campaign

Water Wars Documentary: Animated Sequences

Austin Pets Alive: Helmar

Projection of the Our Future 35 animation at the visioning event at Native Hostel

Your Creative and Magical Life Podcast Logo

Jumbotron Display Content for Austin City Limits Festival 2021

A Collaborative Motion Art Piece we directed for the Art From the Streets art show at Georgetown Art Center, July 2021

Coke: Happiness Factory Interactive Animated Experience

Vintage Footage Shot from Apollo 10 1/2, with Minnow Mountain

Our Future 35

Short Animated Videos for Nymbus Software

Spredfast Summit 2014 Loader